Quote# 35894
[A list of: Killing Christians Through Better Medicine-How jew "doctors" kill Christians]:
-Killed 120 million people with the Salk Vaccine.
-Record high rate of Iatrogenesis.
-Created mass hysteria with false claims of a "smallpox epidemic".
-Used depleted uranium to start a worldwide lung cancer epidemic.
-Caused a 76,040 percent increase in autism through dental mercury.
-Emotionally disturbed six million American boys with the psychotropic drug Ritalin.
-Increased suicide rates 65 fold through anti-depressants.
-Reduced mental capacity of American students with fluoride.
-Caused neurotoxic damage in up to 43% of Americans through MSG, or free glutamic acid.
-Feminized American boys by permanently injecting estrogen into our water supply.
-Turned MMR (Measels-Mumps-Rubella vaccine) into a weapon through the development of autism.
-Turned salt and Tylenol into deadly weapons.
-Poisoned millions of Americans with aspartame.
-Killed 40 million potential fellow Americans and 10,000 women every year with botched abortions.
-Made divorce a bigger health risk for American men than smoking.
-Drove our children crazy through TMAP.
-Forced incompetents into the medical profession through affirmative action, enabling one nurse, Vicky Jackson, to kill 23 patients in only two months.
-Turned the NIH into an advocacy organization for jews.
-Made doctors 9,000 times more dangerous to the public than gun owners.
-Killed half a million Americans with botched cancer "research" and "operations".
-Protected the blacks who killed 5 Whites every day.
-Killed 16,700 Americans through the world's highest incarceration rate.
-Killed 8,000 children per year with vaccines and blamed it on SIDS.
-Banned school prayer.
-Used margarine as a fatal weapon.
-Killed 20,000 Americans per year on the highways.
-The Vaccine Awareness Coalition estimates that vaccines kill up to 528,400 Americans each year.
-Perpetrated the colloidal silver hoax.
-KILLED Alan Yurko's child then blamed it on Alan.
The Christian Party,
The Christian Party.net 44 Comments [3/6/2008 11:41:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: 1Burning Stake