Quote# 79982
Just had dinner with some Hollywood insiders.
It's worse than you think. These bastards are in a FRENZY to solidify the "fundamental transformation" of America. They're going to do and say anything they can to prop up Obama and the communists, the Islamists, Eco-Nazis and anyone else that is working to destroy us.
They know there is a shift in attitude among Americans...which is why the new Atlas Shrugged movie is being ignored. Theatre owners are being pressured not to show it. No distributor will touch it. THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO SEE IT!
There will be bad press, terrible reviews and LOTS OF MOVIES SUDDENLY COMING OUT that have the opposite message (capitalism is evil and you are bad).
From what I'm told, there is at once a feeling of haughty superiority over the "gun toting, bible clinging, unsophisticated" hicks AND a terrible fear that they might start to wake up and flex their considerable muscle.
DO NOT patronize anything "Hollywood". Shun those stupid films and TV shows, stop paying to see tart-lets and moron actors, stop buying the crap they're handing us. We don't need censorship, just market pressure. If we don't buy, they go away. (Of course, they might get a gov't bail out, but...)
They are worthless at best, subversive at worst.
JOE McCARTHY WAS RIGHT (and I'm serious...that's from an insider who was there. Almost all of those accused of being communists WERE communists. Gee, isn't it strange that the message sent out by Hollywood was all about big, bad "Joe" and the "black list" and "witch hunts"...and now we have open communists in the media and even in the White House.)
Wyatt's Torch,
Moonbattery 40 Comments [3/14/2011 3:36:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 31
Submitted By: Honky McCracker