Quote# 83064
Now, I don't know about you, but I am flat-out fed up with these arrogant parasites lying to and about me, calling me and other decent Americans cultists, killers of old people, abusers of children, and lackeys of a boogey-man class the neo-fascist Democrats call "the Rich." I am totally over being talked down to by knuckle-dragging degenerates who can't keep their pants zipped or pay their taxes or get through a week without taking a bribe. We are paying for five-star, Made in the USA government, and getting cheap, Chinese junk.
The neo-fascist Democrats and their "reach-across-the-aisle" running dog RINOs need to be gotten out of government, the sooner the better, and by any means legally possible.
Which brings us to the so-called "President," one Barry Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro, he of the phony social security number, and self-proclaimed natural born citizen of the United States of America. I say self-proclaimed, because he has steadfastly refused to produce valid proof that he is who and what he claims to be. Indeed, he has spent some $2,000,000 to make sure the public has zero access to documents regarding his past.
Since he will not produce his records from Occidental College — we know he went there, because there are pictures of him there, smoking dope — I must assume that a) he never graduated; or b) he did, but because of affirmative action; or c) he was receiving aid as a foreign student, i.e., an Indonesian, like his adoptive step-father, Lolo Soetoro; or d) a combination of a and/or b, and c. The same goes for Columbia, where no one — I repeat, no one — remembers him, and Harvard.
I can hear the Obamabots now, going apoplectic, calling me a racist, a conspiracy nut, a birther. But if I am wrong, all Obama has to do is unseal the records, and prove it. Period.
As to the birther part of it, since a large number of independent experts have declared every single purported Obama birth record to be rather crude forgeries, I still await verifiable proof.
The really outrageous thing about all this is that what Obama-Soetoro refuses to produce is what a greeter at Wal-Mart or a federal GS-03 file clerk is required to hand over to get hired, and would be fired for, if the documents or claims turned out to be fake. But according to the corrupt federal judges who have thrown out every single suit asking for this documentation, the man holding the highest, most powerful, and thus, most responsible office in the free world, doesn't have to. Folks, there is something seriously, dangerously wrong here.
Michael Oberndorf,
Renew America 34 Comments [8/7/2011 2:47:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 31
Submitted By: Honky McCracker