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Quote# 96808

Anyone who has participated in high school debate or speech........
Should be aware of the reality of relayed information.
It always gets distorted by the delivery system.
This is especially true with religions (for example)

What is contemptible is when they try to mold the listener by delibretly lying to them.
Polls, are very good at this. It is because of exactly such attempts that I stopped
trusting CNN NBC CBS etc etc

Even now for example, USA today simply cannot accept that people dont like
Obamacare. They keep claiming it is evil conservatives that have simply lied
to us all (or Republicans)
No it isnt. It is because it has re-created largesse. The Prez dispenses from on high
exceptions to the law, for people he likes. Gaining a political following for the favor.
That is contemptible. If the law were any good, Congress would use it.

Since they dont, it is obvious that it sux.

I dont need a news service blaming some sub-set of politics to realize that.


Ok Mr Grimes let us look at a specific example:

For the last TEN YEARS, every six months or so, someone trots out a 'poll'
that claims to show that the majority of US citizens favor universal amnesty for
illegal aliens.

This is invariably picked up and repeated by all the news media, sometimes even by
FoxNews. The assertion is a lie.

When asked if they favor an expansion of the labor pool by 60 million, they says
NO, by a wide margin.

This is where, so called news, loses my interest. I know for a fact that the people
here, where I live, want every illegal deported upon discovery. Odd how that isnt what the media here claims. They claim that the majority of my co-inhabitants
want the illegals to be granted citizenship. That is a lie.
They majority are VERY tired of being victimized by the illegals. It is getting so bad
that it is dangerous in certain parts of town to advertise you are illegal.
The reasons are many, and not pertinent to this thread. What is pertinent is that
the mass media is trying to persuade us that are personal feelings are not shared.
We know they are. That is why the paper media is almost bankrupt. No one is
willing to read their lies.

If you are claiming that FoxNews makes more money, then maybe the other media
should follow suit

Chiteng, Civilization Fanatics Forums 4 Comments [9/30/2013 6:06:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: SouthernKing

Quote# 96787

[About the D.C. Navy Yard shooter who killed 12 people.]

Somebody --or some entity, was running this guy.

The Wet Dream of the Left --right after Socialized Medicine [mission accomplished], is to disarm the citizenry.

He was being treated by military psychiatrists for serious mental disorders. He was filled with hate for White America.

Somebody was running him.

Lubbock, Where Liberty Dwells 10 Comments [9/30/2013 3:21:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 96783

It is becoming apparent that Christians, and American Christians, in particular, will soon become the most hunted people on the face of the earth. The coming persecution will make the Romans persecution of the Christians seem tame compared to what is coming. DHS policies and their subsequent actions have become an effective barometer from which to judge the direction of the tyrannical takeover of our government by the central bankers and what it will ultimately mean for Christians.

DHS is lining itself up against Christians. The Army is lining up against Christians. Obama has always been against Christians. As Supreme Commander of the military, Obama has encouraged/permitted the United States military to participate in the persecution of Christians.

A recent Army briefing, given by Lt. Col. Jack Rich, to a reserve unit in Pennsylvania, identified several organizations and movements as extremist groups. First on the list of his slides presented in the briefing listed evangelical Christians and the list also included Catholics, Hamas, al-Qaeda, Nation of Islam and the Ku Klux Klan. Isn’t it comforting to realize that your government sees Catholic and evangelical Christians in the same light as Hamas, al-Qaeda and the Klan?

Lt. Col. Rich warned his subordinates to not back down from “bad Christian behavior” for “when they see behaviors which are inconsistent with Army values, don’t just walk by. Do the right thing before it becomes a problem.” What exactly constitutes “bad Christian behavior?” Is praying a bad Christian behavior?

Further, the warning has been given to flag Christians and put them on no buy lists for guns. Rich’s briefing dovetails with the same kind of anti-Christian rhetoric recently presented to Colorado law enforcement officials in La Junta, Colorado in which Christians were prominently displayed in as domestic terrorists if they take the Bible too literally. Of course Christians take the Bible literally, this is why Christians read and study the Bible. The word of God is not a comic book, it is the Bible. And as such, all Christians have just been declared to be enemies of the state. Below is a screen shot of a page out of Rich’s anti-Christian PowerPoint presentation. Please note the repeated references to various types of Christians. Interestingly, I did not see the official religion of the United Nations, GAIA, listed as a domestic terror group.


Coptic children are forcibly being taken from their families and forced to convert to Islam. Is this a foreshadowing of a future CPS field manual which will do the same here in America? Do you think this hyperbole? Then you must not be familiar with the new CPS manual which will be used to enforce “child welfare” under Obamacare. Under Obamacare, parents can lose custody of their children if their child gets a bad grade, is absent for more than 5 days in any 30 day period, if the parent has beer in the house or if the parent is a gun owner. Therefore, how far-fetched is it for American Christians to look at themselves as the next Coptic Christians and realize that the CPS could one day come for their children merely because they are Christians?

Humanity is locked in a spiritual war. Although it is true that we must meet the enemy at the gate if we are to survive and that entails some use of physical countermeasures. However, physical realm countermeasures can only delay the inevitable. Spiritual warfare demands spiritual solutions. Rather than repeat myself, I would refer the reader to previously identified spiritual strategies in two articles I recently authored, Harnessing Quantum Entanglement is Humanity’s Secret Weapon and Humanity’s Ultimate Weapon. The concepts are scientifically verifiable and simple enough to understand. And more importantly, they work!

After reading about the spiritual weapons that mankind has at its disposal, it should be obvious as to why Christians are being targeted and being attacked with such a vengeance.

The ultimate enemy of humanity is not al-Qaeda, the Russians, the central bankers and not even Obama himself. The ultimate enemy of humanity is Satan, the great destroyer and the aforementioned groups merely serve him. These forces of evil have conscripted vast resources in the march toward enslaving and depopulating humanity. They control the physical realm. Humanity cannot defeat these forces of evil on the physical battlefield.

Humanity is approaching its metaphorical Lexington and Concord. The central bankers are seeking to disarm humanity by eradicating the Christian threat to their agenda. You see, the dark side already knows what most of us don’t yet realize, Christians have the spiritual weapons to defeat those who are destroying humanity. It’s up to you, up to me and up to all of us, to invoke the use of these spiritual weapons.

Some articles write their own conclusion and this is one of those times…

Dave Hodges, AMERICAN HOLOCAUST and The Coming NEW WORLD ORDER 15 Comments [9/30/2013 3:19:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 96176

Homeopathic prescribing differs in general from allopathic medicine in its tailoring of remedies to the patient's overall personality type and totality of symptoms, rather than to the disease. Whereas a conventional physician would prescribe the same medication or treatment regimen to all patients with the common cold, for example, a homeopathic practitioner would ask detailed questions about each patient's symptoms and the modalities, or factors, that make them better or worse. As a result, the homeopath might prescribe six different remedies for six different patients with the same illness. In acute prescribing homeopathy, consultations are more brief compared to constitutional homeopathic prescribing. A typical patient might spend just 10–15 minutes with the practitioner, compared to more than an hour for constitutional prescribing.

Patricia Skinner, HealthLine 15 Comments [9/29/2013 5:05:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: afs189

Quote# 95848

Since 1920 when women got the vote, its only been a matter of time and the progressives/communists/marxists knew it (see Gramsci for instance). The traditional family roles that developed over thousands of years were just a matter of human nature and the human condition. As an article, (I think here) put it, the overturning of that natural family order (iow gov’t enforced Feminism through preferences in school, university admissions, hiring, the courts of law, etc. etc.) are a prerequisite for enslavement to a central governing power just as similar (but more direct and brutal methods) were used by Europeans to enslave Africans to plantations in North American, Caribbean and other Colonies and just as Empires all over the world have been enslaving peoples for hundreds and hundreds of years.

So, am I surprised, not really. Mine was the first generation in American History to experience the widespread suffering of the designed widespread breakdown of the family as children and to suffer the unnatural universal gov’t enforced discrimination against boys growing up and men discrimination against men as adults. It has estranged white men from their children and families, and white women vulnerable anxiety-filled basket cases (or as one funny TV comedy show which said, single-mothers are as desperate as big goldfish in leaky plastic bags.) As for the black community, we all see what’s gone on there, its near chaos. And that’s our future as well unless we readopt our traditions.

BTW, I had a premonition. I’ve been periodically looking at the overwhelming and profoundly convincing evidence that ‘Sandy Hook’, ‘the Boston Marathon’ and the ‘West, Texas Massacre’ were all perpetrated by our Federal Gov’t. Then I reviewed the military invasion drills in several large cities last year (e.g. Miami, St. Louis, Denver, Minneapolis, etc.). Until now I haven’t had a solid theory on why even a group like the raging sociopaths like the Obama Administration and their handlers would take these risks. Then along with other information about their likely next moves, the bigger picture came into focus. ‘Sandy Hook’ (and Aurora) were designed to create fear to pass the Unconstitutional Obama attempt to disarm the citizens. The ‘Boston Marathon’ drill was to practice and gauge reaction to Martial Law in a large city while desensitizing the population. And the ‘West, Texas Massacre’ was practice for nuclear ‘False Flag’ strikes around America which will be the pretext for Obama declaring MARTIAL LAW. I expect either strikes by very powerful super-hypersonic missiles that make mushroom clouds like nukes, strikes by not quite as powerful superhypersonic missiles on nuclear reactors (perhaps official identified as jet planes) or actual small nuclear explosions in large and or mega-cities. Of course this will be accompanied by widespread power grid outages and of course Martial Law AND additional False Flag running gun battles that give them the pretext to perpetrate home invasion robberies of everyone’s firearms and possibly precious metals and whatever else the worst among the decide to take a bit of rape here some jewelery there etc. etc.

Dan Morgan, SHTFplan 9 Comments [9/29/2013 4:30:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 96766

its funny how in america we have this mind state of...of if the government and CNN didnt speak about it..then it must be false..everything is some "conspiracy"...never a theory..the word alone shuts down all convo..like saying COMMY...lets not forget the assasination of JFK..is a conspiracy..well the videos show him being shot 3 times from 2 angles and we are told 1 guy with a old civil war rifle did it..hahahaha..conspiracy normally means evil things done by thiose in power that we cant fully prove
i dont know about no lizard people
but i do know 6 years ago...i saw a david Icke vid..where he explained how we would soon become a 1 party system..where all efforts and money would go to the war machine and banking system..they would bleed the country dry causing a gloBAL COLLASPE...He spoke of Obama..not directly..but in the terms of the pale horse..the great hope minority that unites the masses..aka the beast...and so far most of those predictions have come alarmingly true!!!!

vorzilla, Cracked 10 Comments [9/27/2013 7:34:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Dr. Duche

Quote# 96707

I'd been wondering why my google searches recently became NOT completely instantaneous (like they used to be) but now instead take a measurable (albeit still very small) amount of time. Now I know why. NSA has a wiretap on the ISP and every packet intended for Google is now being duplicated and sent to the NSA. So much for a lack of spying. I thought I'd NOT been a target of spying. In fact I'd recently bragged on other similar news stories that even though I'd viewed controversial sites that the govt may not like recently the govt agents never visited my door or did anything else noticeable in response. I took this as a hint that my internet activities were NOT being watched as everybody claimed. Maybe they saw my claims of not being spied on and put me on some kind of list of people to be spied on, in response to my online posts claiming I'd not been spied on (thinking that me making such claims counted as "suspicious activity" or something). Or maybe I'm not being targeted, but just that recently the spying program went to "full speed ahead" and so now more data is being intercepted than before. Either way, I'm pretty sure I've said a few controversial things or gone to a few controversial sites recently that might get the attention of people, if in fact I had been spied on such that this controversial stuff (and the fact I was commenting on it, or viewing it) made its way to the NSA or other govt agency. I just hope I don't get a knock on the door from the "men in black" anytime soon.

Animedude5555, CNET News 15 Comments [9/24/2013 5:17:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: ThirtyFootSmurf

Quote# 96689

Not just Muslims starting these fires, People have been seeing Black Helicopters lifting off at the fire locations and the next thing you know, BAM, a large forest fire in the exact same spot! Russian Troops have been confronted by individuals hiking trails in the areas of the Forest Fires also! There is a lot more going on here than meets the eye..."We the People" and OUR NATION is under ATTACK...!!! We are being hit from so many different directions people just can't believe it's and ATTACK! If this was WWII the American People and the U.S. Military would know right off the bat that these forest fires are Attacks on American Soil (it's called Combat misdirection and Military's around the World for 100's if not 1,000's of years have been using these tactics)...!!! We the People better wake-up, the United States of America is in a War Zone and OB has already declared it so with NDAA (Nation Defense Authorization Act) and all American Citizens have been designated as Enemy Combatants, read the NDAA Act, all this is true, and that says it ALL..."We the People" of these United States of America have been declared Enemy Combatants by OB, Congress and this Administration...!!!

USPatriotOne, WND 19 Comments [9/23/2013 3:12:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 96671

Food stamps are used by the Democrats to buy votes. An extra $350 a month from the government allows you to lease a BMW. I’m sure there is an economic term for it, but the government is replacing $350 that you would have spent for food.

blueunicorn6, Free Republic 19 Comments [9/22/2013 3:01:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 96622

Obama is a tyrant,a narcissist,a megalomaniac,a Constitutional,Federal and Civil criminal who has/is attempting a "coup" in America!

The acknowledged dumbest thing you can do,the Holy Grail if you have no other option than to fight is "Never,Ever fight a war on two fronts at the same time!

Hitler would have won if he didn't go to war with the Allies and the Russians at the same time. Bush made the imbecilic mistake of going to war in both Iraq and Afghanistan at the same time.This act resulted in an economic implosion,a worldwide collapse,the election of Obama,the tyrant,the Socialist,the Totalitarian,the criminal,the dictator,the evisceration of the Constitution and the concept of "Limited Government",the cornerstone of Freedom,Opportunity,a viable,powerful economy the "Engine" which drives everything the millions and millions of "legal" immigrants came here to embrace.

Obama is the result of 50+ years of an exponentially corrupt,amoral,destructive shift away from the very foundation which made us great. One corrupt President after another usurping the purpose,the reason they are sworn to do. The President,every member of the Three Branches of Government takes a solemn oath to honor has been "violated",abused,perverted for power,money,a sociopaths need to control to destroy the very people he/she is sworn to "Serve". Johnson,Nixon,Clinton.all committed impeachable,tyrannical crimes yet None was held accountable for betraying,taking,stealing,lying,killing,eviscerating the Constitution and the Constitutional Republic,the Freedom,the opportunity,the American Dream turned Nightmare by them,against the people,against the law,the ethics,the sacrifice so many made!

This Failure of the system,of "checks and balances",of the responsibility they took has led to exponentially greater abuse,crime by each Chief Executive,each Congress,the entire Political and electoral system as it became apparent that they would "Skate" from the justice,the punishment they deserved.

Assassination,grand larceny,bribery,extortion,the crimes they committed.the deals,the betrayals,the imbecilic programs paid for with Taxpayer money via a contract with government looted,a ponzi scheme all of which are bankrupt,failed,taking with them the quality of life we once had.

Obama,Biden,Pelosi,Reid,the agencies,the Czars,the circumvention of Congress,the sheer number of High Crimes and Misdemeanors that brought us here must END.

Those who committed them and found liable need to feel the full fury of the American People,the full fury of the Judicial system,no deals,no immunity,no easy time,no probation,no options just the punishment for what they have done and so,the next Obama will have to think twice or face the same fate these provocateurs
,these morally and ethically empty,these parasites vacuous takers of Life,Liberty and our way of life will serve as a warning,to serve as a union of all that so many suffered to accomplish,fought and died to create and protect will NEVER be forgotten,taken again!

"Live Free Or Die" "Never Forget"!

Peter Furman, WND 23 Comments [9/20/2013 3:18:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 96612

[Fundies have been discussing Obama's plans to meet with Russian LGBT rights advocates.]

Isn't Putin the guy who recently said that Russia would attack the US I'd the US attacked Syria? It seems to me that O is trying to goad Russia into getting angry enough to attack us. It's a long shot but if Russia did decide that global thermonuclear war was the only way to control O, that could bring us under marshal law. Right now the constitution prevents the US from joining a one world government. Under marshal law, O could pretty much have his way, in other words...goodbye American sovereignty!

Versimilitude, Rapture Ready 19 Comments [9/19/2013 3:46:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 96600

We had a computer for maybe 10-12 years, and ever since we got it (locally built), it had a strange, loud, extremely annoying beep. The guys who built it could not locate, explain or fix the beep. It didn't do it all the time--it followed no rhyme or reason. It was two-tone, high and low an octave apart, like a European police car siren. It might go on for a minute or two, or an hour or two. It might beep every day, or many times a day, or not for weeks or months. It appeared to have nothing to do with any particular program, the internet, or anything else. It would give you a headache, and drove our company nuts--we'd just have to turn it off. (One asked, "Do you have something in the microwave?" LOL) After many years, another outfit was working on it, and when we asked them about the beep, they could not explain it either, but disabled the part of the computer that made the noise so that we could no longer hear it, even if it was still happening.

Since no one could explain the mystery, I came up with my own explanation: The government has a secret chip they install in all motherboards so that they can listen to us. It's so secret that even the computer manufacturers don't know about it. In our case, the chip malfunctioned, but since it was secret, no one knew it was there, so no one could find or fix it.

Now I see I was probably right.

Now that I know they are there, sometimes when I'm talking on the phone, especially if the conversation is about something that I think may interest them, I tell them hi, that I know they're there, that Jesus loves them, and that I hope they read the Bible because that's where all the answers are.

Jan51, RR 36 Comments [9/18/2013 3:35:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: lisa

Quote# 96568

After reading all the material provided by other members I rest my case:)these guys are illuminati, I know one Bahai person but doesn't know much about it though, also there is Deruz religion which also somewhat like Bahai in its secrecy but a lot more secretive about its teachings and agendas. Anyway Bahai thats a definate NWO, illuminati whatever you wanna call it and it has occult symbolism written all over it!

High_Treason, concen.org 16 Comments [9/17/2013 3:08:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 96561

Does anyone rmember that Obama called for the creation
of a “Civillian army” in the 2008 campaign?

The Brown Shirts of the SA have been replaced by the
Purple Shirts of the SEIU.

Leftists have always considered black people as the
“Vanguard” of their revolution. Obama was praying for
riots in the wake of the Zimmerman acquittal. That
would give him the chance to deploy the 2,500 APCs and
the 2+ billion rounds of ammo, as well as a declaration
of martial law.

I will have to give the black community a little credit
here. After the O.J. Simpson case, the Duke Lacrosse
case and the Sharpton / Tawana Brawley hoax, I think
that there are a lot of black Americans who who are
seeing through the liberal media bullshit!

Enough time has passed that there are probably no black
Americans who have not seen Zimmerman’s wounds. This
was the race riot that fizzled! All that are left are
the True Believers.

This is my theory: that enough people in the black
community recognized Trayvon Martin as a violent crim-inal thug and simply did not enter the usual 100 yard
dash while carrying a stolen TV or stereo system.

Obama Obama Uber Alles!

Leonard Jones, Moonbattery 9 Comments [9/16/2013 3:26:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 96555

I've been trying to get everyone to separate themselves from Uniformitarianism, for at least a minute.

Almost all science assumes all physical, chemical, and geological processes have always occurred at the same rates and manner since the beginning. Why could not other laws been in place at that time. Why could matter not have traveled faster than the speed of light?

Incidentally, We should say they WERE 13 billion or more light years apart. Should we not?

How long does it take the light to reach our telescopes? Those galaxies may be right on top of us (figuratively speaking) right now. Maybe that's the cause of global warming and not the controversial greenhouse gas effect.

Not trying to make a scientific point here, except that many beloved theories are held together with too many assumptions.

Delusion Crusher 10000, Yahoo Answers 15 Comments [9/16/2013 3:23:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 96554

Why are many of my fellow atheists supporting mass media indoctrination and intimidation?
Out of all people, my fellow atheists should be supporting free thought. Instead, they are supporting mass media indoctrination and intimidation

1. TV shows such as the "new normal" are CLEARLY produced for the sake of indoctrinating the masses to be more accepting of homosexual behavior

2. Not one tv show has ever been promoted for the sake of indoctrinating the masses to downplay homosexual behavior

3. People are literally afraid to say they oppose gay marriage because they are afraid of being insulted and intimidated. Study shows polls are not acccurate for that reason in regards to gay marriage.

4. Young people are CLEARLY not using their own minds and doing what celebrities tell them to do regarding gay marriage.

5. Older people are less likely to be moved by celebrities and use their own minds. That's why more older people oppose gay marriage.
10 months ago Report Abuse
Additional Details
the gay movement is out spending traditional marriage advocates 4 to 1 and they're STILL having a hard time. The gay movement even have support from celebrites and they're STILL having it hard

Face it, the gay movement is literally INDOCTRINATING the masses to accept homosexuality

Atheist, Yahoo Answers 10 Comments [9/16/2013 3:21:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 96533

who many on this site would recognize, stated privately that you should not wait for them to come to your door. Rather, find out where they have their morning coffee and whack them there.

Of course, I personally do not expect things to go that far. I believe, and indeed I hope and pray, we will restore the Constitution through peaceful means.

However, if they are coming for my guns, they likely will label me a terrorist anyway. The very notion of gun confiscation makes my blood boil. As a Christian, I know where I'm going when my life ends. I'm not afraid to die.

Even if only 1 in 10 gun owners in America have the opportunity and the will to resist, how will the sh1tbags attempting to take our guns prevail against an army of 8 million? I hope they come under the authority of the United Nations; those blue helmets will make wonderful targets.

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coffee_sponge, Daily Paul 23 Comments [9/14/2013 1:09:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 96532

Well, from what I can tell. People will hide [guns] first and deny they have them. Then when the door to door confiscations begin, and LEOs in several states have admitted they are training for this, they will be met with the ultimate in resistance. War is coming. No doubt about it.

Maeve, Daily Paul 11 Comments [9/14/2013 1:09:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 96514

The functionless parasites in Washington dare not challenge or question anything that the Kenyan-born Marxist says or does. That would of course be RACIST! and the critics would be attacked as Klansman. That hell-spawned monster could rape a Girl Scout (or a Boy Scout) on the Capitol steps and anyone who criticized him for it would do so solely because he is 6.25% black.

He will be utterly unimpeded in his psychotic quest to destroy the United States because the spineless, gutless, nadless, surrenderist asswipes in Congress sold their worthless souls to him. He owns them. They are his slaves on his plantation. He is their massa.

Anyone who believes that he will gracefully step down on 20 January 2017 is living in NeverNeverLand. Before then, there will be a Washington-engineered "crisis" that will "require" the imposition of martial law and the suspension of Constitutional rights, including (if not especially) the right to vote. That raving, self-worshipping psychopath is on a monomaniacal quest to become a dictator. He fully intends to be El Jefe for life.

He is obsessed with achieving what America's enemies have failed to do: killing America. Only one thing will stop him, and no one in DC has the balls to do it.

DoctorDoom, Where Liberty Dwells 29 Comments [9/13/2013 3:25:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 96513

Amidst some reading I heard that [Bob Marley] got cancer in his toe... right after he got pricked with a piece of metal that was in a pair of shoes that were given to him as a gift by a filmmaker who's father was the former filmmaker of the CIA.. the CIA who hated the fact that Bob was rockin the boat in Jamaica.

BrAiN, Shroomery 9 Comments [9/13/2013 3:25:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 96511

(The UN religion is) a weird and diabolical convergence of New Age mysticism, pantheism, aboriginal animism, atheism, Communism, socialism, Luciferian occultism, apostate Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism.

William Jasper, 911 New World Order 19 Comments [9/13/2013 3:23:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 96510

[The Baha'i Faith is a small monotheistic religion founded in Persia]

Critics of Bahaism, however, point out its connections, not only with Wicca, or modern witchcraft, but also with British imperialism, Russia, Zionism, the Shah’s secret police, and Freemasonry.

911 New World Order Author, 911 New World Order 14 Comments [9/13/2013 3:23:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 96501

Well one thing that gets me about the oil "reason" is it doesn't account for the overall agenda of the Zionists, like Netanyahu, who want to transform the ME to Clean Break and Yinon Plan model. Look at what they're saying now and look at what is in NDAA 2014 (a diary up now). Israel's security. All over it. Israel's security. Many say Iraq was a war for Israel. The neocons certainly viewed it that way. No doubt there are competing factions and different interests at play.

BigAlinWashSt, Daily Kos 10 Comments [9/12/2013 3:22:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 96439

I agree with the first bit, but not the second bit and especially not with the third. I believe that they are here, now, interdimensionally, and I believe that while the speed limit of the universe must be the speed of light, there is a whole other world of interstellar transportation that we haven't imagined yet, and that thats simply the evolutionary stage were at. Once you combine the idea of astral projection with traveling in a ship made out of light, which is the commonly thought of transportation method for these interdimensional beings, the possibilities abound, simply because you can travel faster than the speed of light as THOUGHT, which is what you are when you astral project.

As for why I think they are here now, I believe that we are all family, I believe that its possible to incarnate into the life of an extraterrestrial being on a different planet than this one we are so fond of, and I am even starting to believe, based on the experiences I've had relatively recently, that I live lives as an unbelievably empowered extraterrestrial being as well. I think there is too much evidence in my personal experience and in the various places of the world where contact probably occurred, that extraterrestrials are here now, as is evidenced by the amount of reports constantly surging in, examples like the phoenix lights when over 10,000 people in arizona saw triangular ships travel over a large area of arizona, and the entirety of evidence of past encounters with ET beings, examples like the annunaki and the assyrians, like the nazca lines, etc. There is simply too much evidence to turn a blind eye and say one that there could be life out there, which there is without a single doubt, and that they aren't here and now possibly orbiting the planet, or at least are here on an interdimensional level. My personal experience validates this all entirely, which has convinced me.

jw2234, Shroomery 13 Comments [9/8/2013 5:09:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 96421

You're confused sweetie. You've been conned into believing this false reality with global warming or climate change or whatever they're calling it this time. It's not based on real science, there is a lot of money being made in this field so that is the only reason it is still around today. The truth is that humans only actually produce one half of one percent of all the worlds CO2 emissions. That's it. The biggest amount comes from the oceans. This is a scientific fact and can easily be verified. Not to mention CO2 in big quantities will actually cool a planet down. For example, China was just in trouble for it's emissions problems because it was causing the region the rapidly cool down. Global warming is the greatest con ever conceived by man next to religion which now there's not much of a difference between the two. Don't allow yourself to get sucked into this crap. Actually look at the numbers and how they arrived at their conclusions, none of it holds any merit what so ever. Oh and so you're clear on this whole "well the entire scientific community stands behind it" you should know that they're only being bullied into saying this because they don't what the credibility of their name slammed in hopes their careers are not ruined and they don't end up working a Wendy's drive through. Look it up, don't just take my word for it. Noble Prize winners and other 10 professors are leaving their fellowships because of the amount of lies being told. Stop believing everything you're being told. Climate change is not science and it doesn't hold any merit in the least.

SilverFox, Ad week 14 Comments [9/7/2013 6:39:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Emmaline
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