Quote# 130632
The terms "confident" and "insecure" are arbitrary word-viruses that have no meaning.
What if we got rid of these two terms? I've often wondered what basis they really have. They do far more harm than good, and they distort and confuse the true nature of reality and the human spirit.
While a lot of incels here probably identify as "insecure", many of them are very intelligent, insightful, funny, and have a strong command of the English language. I do not see anything outwardly "insecure" about them, though I realize behind a computer screen they are able to be more "themselves".
Then we look at the word "confident". Well, what is confidence, exactly?
I argue it's just mimicry of behaviors that Normies have agreed upon are attractive and acceptable.
If you take the average Chad or Normie who has "confidence", they're often dumb as rocks, project what they think constitutes confidence, and use their brains as little as possible to think anything through. They rely on cliches and trite sayings to get them through life.
My thesis is that neither of these terms have any real meaning or basis -- they are just used to separate the "wheat from the chaff", and maintain the Normies dominance in society.
That's why this sub causes so much controversy -- it's a real threat to the prevailing norms. If incel ideology ever got more accepted, and its truths sunk in more, you might see a backlash ... to the point the "confident" Normies start looking a lot less cool, and a lot more silly (which I've always thought to begin with).
/r/IncelReddit 16 Comments [8/16/2017 2:02:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep